If you are a Pennsylvania Driver and you need information about resources specifically for Pennsylvania drivers and your PA drivers license, you have come to the right place. Our experts at PennsylvaniaDriver.org have compiled tons of documents about the what and how of remaining a Pennsylvania driver. This orginization exists only to share the most useful information related to driver services in PA. Pennsylvania Driver will guide you through registration of vehicles, to testing for your Pennsylvania Drivers License. These guides and collection of information is thorough and extensive to give you the most information possible.
Registering a vehicle in PA
Vehicle registration is the first step to having a legal vehicle in the state of Pennsylvania. The PA Department of Transportation has a devision specifically for vehicle issue, The Division of Motor Vehicles is tasked with all things related to motor vehicle titles and registration.
Pennsylvania Driving Records
You can start with driving records. Get your driving record directly from PennDOT by visiting their website.
Look for the link in the top panel related to your shopping cart, and follow the prompts to request your full driving history. This step will cost $5 and will allow you to print the driving record right from the computer. If you run into an error, it could mean your record is too long, so try printing a 10 year driving history instead.
Pennsylvania Road Conditions for the Driver
PennDOT has many outlets to find your local road conditions. If you are headed out on the roads in Pennsylvania, then knowing where there are problems before you drive is a good idea.